On John Fillwalk
Adam Nash
“…I have followed John’s creative output for a number of years and consider him to be one of the most innovative and challenging practitioners working in virtual environments in the world today.
His work bridging virtual and material environments are especially compelling and constitute an internationally important contribution to this field. In particular, his works “Traversal”, “Flickr Gettr” and “The Aesthetic Camera” partially comprise a body of work that is innovative, challenging, important and enviable in its professionalism, conceptual rigor and high quality of production. Crucial to John’s output is his solid, searching, base in pedagogical exploration.
As an educator myself, lecturing at Australia’s foremost digital art and game design university program, I am keenly aware of the need for rigorous and visionary pedagogical practice to imbue the philosophy of any digital art production. Typified by works such as “The Aesthetic Camera”, it is eminently clear that John is working to combine relevant, practical notions of technological endeavour with the intellectual rigor required to ensure a lasting and genuine impact on current generations of learners, whether this involves “virtual education”, distance learning or conventional face to face university learning.”
Adam Nash,
Director, Australian Center of Virtual Art,
School of Media & Communication,
RMIT University,
Melbourne, Australia